
Zinnias Flower

Zinnia flowers are actually an herb that belongs to the aster family. They are named after the German botanist Johann Gottfried Zinn. There are both annual and perennial zinnia plants.

 Scientific Name

Zinnia Scientific Name — Zinnia Elegans

 Geographic Origin

These originally came from Mexico and are notable for their single, long-stemmed flowers that are available in a variety of different colors.

 Description and Characteristics

These popular garden flowers are available in more than 100 different varieties. They have leaves that are opposite and usually they don’t have a stalk. The leaves range in shape from linear to ovate and in color from pale to middle green.

Their flowers also come in a variety of appearances including a single row of petals and a dome shape. The colors include white, chartreuse, yellow, orange, red, purple and lilac.


Some of the things that zinnias symbolize include absent friends, lasting affection and goodness. This is because when the Aztecs first saw them, they were so unattractive that they called them an eyesore (which is what the name means in their language). Today they are Indiana’s state flower.

Cultivation and Care

Whenever you plan to grow zinnia flower seeds you will need to find an area that is well drained yet both moist and fertile. This will allow the flower to reseed itself with a new zinnia seed every summer thereafter. You will also need full sun and good fertile soil for growing zinnias.

Once you find somewhere to plant your zinnia you will want to place one seed per one square foot. Begin by raking the seedbed slightly before planting your seeds. Now add a general-purpose fertilizer (repeat monthly), water and you are done.

Caring For Zinnias

Zinnias are relatively easy to care for. You will need to remember to remove all of the dead flowers in order to encourage new growth. It is also a good idea to trim back the stems to keep your zinnias looking nice.

How To Harvest Zinnia Seeds

Since zinnias will not survive a hard frost, you may want to select a few dried seed heads (the center of the flower) that are mature and place them in a paper bag. Label your bag and store it either in your cool basement or in a jar in your refrigerator.

 Diseases and Pests

Some of the most common diseases and pests of zinnias include: